Become A Water Tech Volt Dealer

We Protect Your Margins
Exclusivity, Profitability, Protection
Not Available To Mass Merchants or Third Party Internet Companies
Water Tech has recognized the ever-changing marketplace and understands the pressures placed on pool and spa retail operations. With that said, Water Tech would like to introduce the Volt Series. This line is available exclusively to select clientele and designed with the intention of protecting the bottom line by establishing minimum advertised pricing across the product line. Every approved Dealer is subject to sign a M.A.P. terms and conditions agreement which holds them accountable for selling the Volt Series.
The Volt Series offers several advantages over the Classic Pool Blaster Line. Vacuum head size, filter bag capacity, faster charging times, and surface coverage (Sq. Ft. per hour) are all key upgrades. These improvements help make the Volt Series a sought after and desirable retail product line.
Below are several key points for distributors:
Distributor must sign a M.A.P. terms and conditions agreement and provide the contact information for the person who will receive “Do Not Sell” and “Authorized Dealer” lists
Water Tech provides a “Do Not Sell” customer list
Water Tech provides a “Authorized Dealer” list consisting of all the dealers which have listed said distributor as a supplier
Dealers MUST appear on “Authorized Dealer” list in order to qualifying for purchasing Volt Series products
Water Tech does not allow branch transfers
Water Tech provides print and digital marketing material on request
Water Tech provides training and product support on request

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